School Insight – Leadership Training at The Doon School: Fostering Ethical and Dynamic Leaders

The Doon School, with its mission to develop exceptional boys into ethical, wise, and just citizens, recognizes the importance of leadership skills in preparing students for the complex and ever-changing world they will enter. At Doon, leadership is seen as a teachable skill that can be nurtured and developed through a variety of experiences both inside and outside the classroom.

One of the key platforms for developing leadership skills at Doon is the School Council. This democratic body meets monthly, bringing together students in various leadership roles such as House Reps, Prefect Rep, Captain of School, Girls Reps, and Junior Reps, along with teachers and staff members. Chaired by the Headmaster, the council discusses, advises, and shapes the school’s policies and practices. Changes to routines, policies, and even the school’s weekly schedule are deliberated upon, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among the students.

The Prefectorial System, led by the student-elected School Captain, plays a crucial role in creating a positive and dynamic environment at Doon. Prefects are senior role models who work closely with the Housemasters to guide, inspire, and support younger students. Before assuming their roles, potential prefects participate in a reflective workshop to assess their suitability for the position. Once selected, they undergo a leadership training program, including a school-led seminar, to equip them with the necessary skills and mindset for their responsibilities.

Mid-Terms, an adventurous learning experience unique to Doon, offer students the opportunity to develop teamwork and leadership skills. Private mid-term expeditions, starting from A Form, are organized both on and off-campus over a weekend. Workshops are conducted to train students in essential aspects such as budgeting, tent pitching, safety measures, and emergency response. Through these practical experiences, students learn to take charge, navigate challenges, and work collaboratively in unfamiliar environments.

Doon School students also engage with the Global Ethical Leadership Foundation (tGELF), becoming members of the Youth Leadership Club during S and SC forms. This affiliation allows them to interact with renowned individuals from various fields at the annual conference. Additionally, tGELF provides internships, scholarships, and mentoring throughout college, enabling students to continue their leadership development journey. The foundation’s modules on leadership are also integrated into the Life Skills classes at Doon.

Complementing these initiatives, Doon School offers age-appropriate workshops on essential soft skills. Topics such as Anger Management, Gender Sensitivity, Dining Etiquette, Communication Skills, Responsible Use of Social Media, and more are regularly covered to ensure that students possess the necessary interpersonal skills to be effective leaders.

Furthermore, Doon School recognizes the significance of leadership under pressure and organizes visits to institutions such as the Indian Military Academy and Air Force stations. These visits provide students with insights into leadership in challenging situations and the opportunity to learn from distinguished alumni who have served in the Armed Forces.

Through a comprehensive and diverse range of programs and activities, The Doon School prioritizes the development of ethical and dynamic leaders. By fostering a culture of collaboration, responsibility, and personal growth, Doon equips its students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed to navigate a rapidly evolving world and make a positive impact as future leaders of meritocratic India.

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